View from the sliding glass door
Sad, sad patio
As summer approaches, I realize how much I'd like to have a lovely backyard area for entertaining. Should I put in pavers, Young House Love style?
There simply isn't enough time in the day to take care of everything while I'm still trying to manage the inside of the house (I've got my work cut out for me - see the House Tour for a peek). Still, I can daydream of a beautiful new gas grill:
And a lovely patio set:
But, before I get to add, I've got things that need to be removed. For instance, I have an U-G-L-Y bird fountain thing that the previous owner must have decided was too perfectly matching the ugly state of the house to get rid of.
My solution? This baby's going on Craigslist, free for anyone willing to haul it away. I've heard that you can do the same with plants as well, so I'll probably put my overgrown plants (and maybe a bush or two) on there to see if anyone is willing to get rid of it for me. Free labor!
Has anyone else had success with giving away things on Craigslist? I'm a bit hestitant to give away too much info, so since we're not at home during the workweek, I'm limiting it to weekend giveaways only. Any tips?